luni, 20 iunie 2011

Deadbeat Dads Should Be Stigmatized Like Drunk Drivers, Says UK Prime Minister

Sad little girl

Deadbeat dads should be stigmatized by society just like drunk drivers, UK Prime Minister David Cameron wrote in a Father's Day article for the Telegraph newspaper. Cameron blasted what he called "runaway" fathers and said society should be "genuinely hostile" and make them feel the "full force of shame heaped upon them." The prime minister wrote:

"They should be looked at like [drunk] drivers, people who are beyond the pale. They need the message rammed home to them, from every part of our culture, that what they're doing is wrong — that leaving single mothers, who do a heroic job against all odds, to fend for themselves simply isn't acceptable."

He also tooted his own horn on his plan to give tax breaks to married couples, which some people believe encourage stability.


Kate Walsh Katharine McPhee Amy Cobb

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