luni, 6 iunie 2011

Forever 21 Wants To Shut Down Blogger ... For Making Fun Of Forever 21

photo of forever 21

It's often the biggest companies that have the tightest reign on their public perception—and inexpensive clothing company Forever 21 is no exception. Despite their public image of being young and fun (and, oh, totally Christian), the company is really, really up in arms over WTForever21, a funny blog that chronicles the hits and misses that come out of what blogger Rachel Kane calls the "shame factory." Forever 21 sent Kane a cease and desist letter in April, claiming that she was violating copyright and trademark laws, even though Kane clearly states on the homepage, "Just FYI, The term 'Forever 21' is a trademark of Forever 21, Inc. This site is not affiliated with Forever 21, Inc."


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