I was totally digging this doctor on "The Today Show" who talked — okay, ranted — to Ann Curry about the constant pressure on women to be skinny, including during pregnancy. "Mommyrexia" is when pregnant women cut back on eating or add excessive exercise to their regimen because they're worried about gaining quote-on-quote "too much weight" when there's a bun in the oven. Clearly this eating disorder is scary and sad for both biological and cultural reasons. And you don't usually get such sharp, feminist cultural commentary on "Today."
But then Dr. Nancy Snyderman told us what she really thinks: "I think this is an Upper East Side, white girl, obnoxious problem. It's irritating to me! We want perfect babies, perfect bodies, perfect lives. I just find the whole thing vulgar." Ooof. Good job making women with eating disorders feel even more like the problem is them being selfish, not our culture. I am sure that will be really helpful, Dr. Snyderman. [BuzzFeed]
Source: http://www.thefrisky.com/post/246-today-show-doctor-lays-the-smackdown-on-mommyrexics/?eref=RSS
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