What do you do when an engagement goes sour? If you're one anonymous guy in Iowa, you put the ring up for sale on Craigslist, for a dollar. According to the post, which has since been removed by the author (most likely due to the high volume of interest):
"A jeweler and I designed the ring in 2009 for an amazing woman. She wore it during our engagement, an engagement that we ended a bit ago with great regret. A grad student, I know I should be selling it so as to buy groceries and fill the laundromat washing machine with quarters. Like most students I'm living pretty hand-to-mouth. Yet there's something about treating this token of deep love like a used car that feels wrong, feels like a violation of everything beautiful about the world that drew this woman and I together in the first place. I joyfully put my pennies away for months so she could wear this. Knowing that a lot of us are struggling to pay the bills right now, I'm hoping that the gift of this ring might make it easier for another couple to begin a life together."
Here's hoping this guy finds true love with someone new. [Racked]
Source: http://www.thefrisky.com/post/246-guy-sells-engagement-ring-on-craigslist-for-one-dollar/?eref=RSS
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