duminică, 20 noiembrie 2011

Kris Humphries Pimping for Sector Watches

Kris Humphries didn’t make out with a big settlement due to the pre-nup agreement but he has announced a new venture worth $150,000 dollars. Kris has found some time on his hands with not having a new bride and not playing basketball due to the recent NBA lockout so he has founded his own new business venture. Kris held a press conference at New York City’s Trump SoHo hotel to announce his new endorsement deal with Sector watches. According to a source, Humphries’ Sector deal is worth $150,000. Kris stated that he was grateful to Sector for their support during this difficult time in his life. So what is the interest in Italian watches ? Kris states that he has always loved fashion and watches. He also expressed that he thought that Sector has some really great watches. Seems like a good reason to me. The good thing about Kardashian’s future ex-hubby’s new venture is that a portion of sales will go to his foundation that fights against childhood obesity. Most recently, Humphries had his marriage to the reality TV star Kim Kardashian annulled 72 days after the wedding took place. During this NBA lockout time, Kris continues to focus [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RightCelebrity/~3/l8PC95xjnHA/

Jaime King Jaime Pressly Jamie Chung

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