marți, 1 noiembrie 2011

Tori Spelling Hospitalized Following Migraine Complaint

Tori Spelling was hospitalized yesterday after taking to her Twitter page on Saturday and complaining to her followers of a severe migraine. Knowing firsthand how debilitating these headaches are, I can totally sympathize with what she went through. Migraines suck. Tori gave birth earlier this month to daughter Hattie, her third child with husband Dean McDermott. They already have a son, 4-year-old Liam, and daughter Stella is 3. McDermott has a 13-year-old son, Jack, from his previous marriage to Mary Jo Eustace. The former 90210 star tweeted on Saturday: “Anyone else get horrendous migraines right after giving birth? Is it hormones?I’ve had one for a week now. Nothing is working “ According to reports, Tori still was not feeling any better on Sunday, so worried husband Dean rushed her to Tarzana Medical Center. Sadly, the paps were right there, snapping pics of her on the way to the hospital, visibly ill. This prompted another tweet from Tori this morning, blasting the paparazzi. “I never intended2have 2tell peeps I had to Goto ER yesterday4 migraine but paparazzi followed us&told;story. All time low… Following a sick new mom to hospital&photographing;her in that condition. Is nothing off limits to them compassion wise? But,I’m [...]


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